June 1 Hifi speaker: An instrument makers view on sound


I went to instrument making school because as a 16 year old I couldn’t afford to buy that one guitar that I loved. I became a bow maker after falling in love with these thin sticks that hold horse hair. I started to develop loud speakers because I believe in the connecting power of music.

The sound of a violin bow is very powerful and yet it is never heard. Bows have a dramatic impact on the sound of an instrument and that is exactly why they are so intriguing. Working with well established musicians from all over the world and even having some classical music super stars among my customers gave me the opportunity to see, hear and feel some of the best musical instruments in the world. In tuning and voicing my speakers I use this experience and knowledge. I do all this by feeling and by ear so as to make them sound as close to the real thing as possible.

Just imagine that you could experience the brilliant sound of a Stradivarius violin in your home living room!



